I finally received my Frostgrave stuff last week. Part of it was a box of twenty soldiers. It comes with 4 identical sprues. Each sprue comes with 5 unique bodies, 10 unique heads, 2 unique shields, assorted weapons (Xbow, bow, 2 handed, and 1 handed weapons), and various accessories (bags, ropes, pouches). Overall the kit is smartly designed, everything fits together nicely and gives a great overall effect. I highly recommend it.
Below are some pictures of my warband in various stages of completion.
Metal Knight
Metal Templar
My assembled warband. The primed figures are my metal Wizard and Apprentice, the Warhound is Reaper Bones.
Finally we have some assembled extras that my warband may employ in the future. Two of the figures are on Gripping Beast Saxon bodies as I needed them to be in chain mail.
They are in my garage drying from a coat of black primer at the moment. Hopefully you will get to see them painted up soon!
Below are some pictures of my warband in various stages of completion.
Metal Knight
Metal Templar
My assembled warband. The primed figures are my metal Wizard and Apprentice, the Warhound is Reaper Bones.
Finally we have some assembled extras that my warband may employ in the future. Two of the figures are on Gripping Beast Saxon bodies as I needed them to be in chain mail.
They are in my garage drying from a coat of black primer at the moment. Hopefully you will get to see them painted up soon!